Welcome! The MAD Blog: School Bag- sold

Welcome to my world!

This is my place! My playground. I share my toughts, likes, dislikes, my life as a student and whatever comes in my mind!

Lover of the arts and crafts, handmade stuff and anything that is unique, unusual, special, and crazy. A fan of Irregular Choice and Chottronette.

If you want to say something, I am free to chat on my blog, or at chattybiu@yahoo.com

School Bag- sold

pt ca tot vine scoala,am avut cereri pentru gentute de mers la scoala.
una din cereri a ramas asa...Iata ce a iesit

O gentuta rezistenta,din material gros dungat,si reiat rezistent
Are 2 compartimente,si un buzunar pe clapeta( se vede in a2a poza)
fluturas si brose cu flori aplicate.
Clapeta are danteluta crem.

INFO: dimensiuni gentuta: 26 x 30 x 6

lungime toarta ( se poarta pe o parte) :aprox 116 cm

dimensiuni buzunaras: 22 x 12 cm

45 ron


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